Options Page of the Calculate Progress Wizard

Use this page to select the options that you want to use in calculating progress.


Field Description
Use adjusting entry to remove earned/earned value for deleted budget If earned value has already been calculated for a work package, then the entire budget is deleted, this option allows you to show a negative earned value in the current period to zero out the previously posted earned value.

If you do not select this check box, Cobra deletes the earned value for the resource without an adjusting entry when a budget is deleted.

Force SPI of apportionment resources to match source SPI Select this option to ensure that the earned value for apportionment items receives the same SPI as the base.
Earned/Earned value by: You have four options for calculating earned value:
  • Budget — Select this option to summarize the budget across all periods and to apply the progress technique. Earned value is calculated by moving through the time phase table up to the time of the calculation, earning the first result and associated budget.
  • Dollars — Select this option to calculate earned value based on total budgeted currency. The currency earned is pro-rated to arrive at the remainder of the resource costs.
  • Hours SPI — Select this option to calculate earned value by backing into the currency amount of the earned value so that the schedule performance index (SPI) based on hours is the same for both hours and total currency value.
  • Time —Select this option to calculate earned value based on a percentage of the work package's time-phased budget. For example, a work package that is 50% complete earns the portion of the work package's budget that corresponds to the first half of that work package's duration.